Grading & Assessment Policy

Weighted Assignment Categories:


Practice assignments are just that - practice. These assignments are a reinforcement of presented material and helps student development of skills, strategies, and understanding concepts. They may also be the first opportunity that students have to demonstrate a basic understanding of content. Since mastery is not expected, assignments are usually graded for completion.


Application assignments require basic knowledge of content material in order to complete. These assignments are usually more in depth, require students to apply what they have learned, and demonstrate use of content knowledge and understanding of concepts to take their learning a step further.


Assessments are a reflection of a student’s mastery or understanding of material and measures proficiency of learned concepts. 

Grading Scale

A: 90-100 

The student consistently demonstrates an understanding of facts, skills, and concepts.  The student applies knowledge independently.

B: 80-89 

The student demonstrates an understanding of facts, skills, and concepts.  The student is beginning to apply the knowledge independently.

C: 70-79 

The student is developing an understanding of facts, skills, and concepts.  Some review, reinforcement, and support may be needed in the classroom and at home.

D: 60-69 

The student is below grade level in their understanding of facts, skills, and concepts.  Review, reinforcement, and support is consistently required in the classroom and at home.

F: 59 & Below

The student is significantly below grade level in their understanding of facts, skills, and concepts.  Review, reinforcement, and support is consistently required in the classroom and at home.

Absent Work

If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student to determine what work was missed. Students are allowed one day to make up the work for every day that is missed.  So, if a student misses 2 school days, they are allowed 2 days to make up the assignments for full credit.  All missing or late work must be completed prior to the test or the end of the quarter (depending which occurs first) for credit to be earned.

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